
Candle / Wax melt Care & Ring Sizing / Cookies

Candle Safety Instructions


Place Candle in a central location of the home and burn as desired, please follow all warning steps correctly.



WARNING: Failure to follow instructions could result in fire, hazard or injury. Never move a lit candle always keep out of reach of pets and children. Place the candle on a stable, heat resistant surface. Avoid exposure to drafts. Never leave a lit candle unattended.


1. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

2. Never use water to extinguish a candle. Do not put candle out with the glass lid, the flame may damage the lid. Alternatively use a wick dipper to extinguish with no smoke.

3. Burn candles a minimum of 2 hours / or until melted wax reaches sides and no longer then 4 hours. This will stop flame becoming too big & burning off fragrance, shortening burn time, wick falling over and in some cases the glass becoming extremely hot and breaking.

4. For your safety never move a burning candle. Ensure candle is extinguished, wax is solid and jar is cold before handling.

5. Glass may become hot. Burn candle on an appropriate flat heat-resistant surface.

6. Keep away from children, pets and flammable materials. Always read safety instructions, located on the bottom of your Scented Secret product.

7. Avoid drafts. Flickering flames burn through the candle faster, cause uneven burn and can be very dangerous.

8. Always ensure your wick is centred when burning. Sometimes if candle has been burning for too long the wick can drift to the side in the liquid wax pool. Blow out and centre the wick and let wax harden. If wick is too close to the glass the flame can break the glass.

9. Trim wick after every use to 1 cm. This will allow for an even burn, better scent throw and longer burn time.

10.Do not burn candle dry. Discontinue use when 2cm of wax remains at the bottom of jar to avoid overheating & breaking jar.


 Candle Care Guide - How to get the best performance out of your Scented Secret Candle.
1. Prevent soot from forming on the glass by keeping wicks properly placed and trimmed.

2. Never allow the candle flame to come in contact with the side of the glass.
3. Do not use if glass is cracked, chipped or broken.
4. Never introduce liquids or foreign objects into the candle and keep it free of wick trimmings, matches and any flammable materials. All candles are made from premium soy wax, meaning, if they are contaminated by foreign objects, they may spoil.
5. If the glass becomes blackened while burning, extinguish candle, allow to cool and clean with a dry paper towel.
6. When not in use, keep candle covered to avoid dust build-up.
7. As our candles are made using our premium soy wax, they have a shelf life of 12 months. After this time, the colours and fragrances may begin to deteriorate. 


Wax Melt Safety Instructions

-Don't leave wax melts or tea lights unattended or on an uneven/unstable surface.
-Ensure that the surface under your Burner/Melter is heatproof.
-Keep out of reach from children and pets.
-Do not add water.
-DO NOT Burn for 3 hours at a time.


Please remember – Although these melts look and smell delicious, they are not edible.
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Remove packaging before use, use only in tea-light warmers or electric warmers that have been approved for wax melts. Read and follow all instructions provided with your warmer before use. Use only in well ventilated areas away from flammable materials & draughts. Do NOT add water. Do NOT melt in non-approved appliances.  Do not move the burner whilst the melt is burning. Please do not leave a burning flame unattended and a electric warmer Unattended .Do not let your Warmer Burn dry. 



 More than likely you will have come across this post because one of your prized scented candles has become afflicted with a case of tunnelling. Depending on how seriously the tunnelling has become, there are a few things you can do to save the candle.  


 As mentioned above, the first burn is the most important as it sets the candles “memory”. The memory ring of a candle is the indent made by the candle wax on it’s initial lighting, and generally marks the edge of where all future burns will reach. By not allowing the wax pool to reach the edge on its first burn, a smaller than ideal memory ring will be formed and tunnelling will begin.  Caught early enough, you can reset the candles memory allowing the wax to re-open to the full width of the candle. A very quick way of readjusting the memory ring is to blast the top of the candle with the high heat setting of a powerful hairdryer – just hold the airflow over the top of the candle until the top layer of wax has melted and smoothed. Next time you light the candle, allow for the wax pool to reach the edges of the candle as described for the ideal initial burn. If the tunnelling has sunk lower than a few millimetres you will probably need to use the foil method.



 If the above techniques haven’t worked for you, you may need to come to terms with the fact your candle can’t be saved. But, don’t fret too much as there are still ways to enjoy the scented wax you love so much.  





A Guide to Finding Your Ring Size

Discover Your Perfect Fit with Our Sterling Silver Rings

At Scented Secret Co, we're delighted to offer you a stunning selection of guaranteed sterling silver rings.

To ensure you find the ideal fit, we've crafted a comprehensive size chart featuring five different sizes. Here's your roadmap to discovering the size that suits you best:


SS Ring Size       UK / AUST         Diamiter


  • 5                    J 1/2              15.7mm
  • 6                    M                   16.51mm
  • 7                    O                   17.35mm
  • 8                    Q                   18.19mm
  • 9                    R 3/4             18.89mm
  • 10                  T 1/2             19.84mm   
  • 11                  V 1/2              20.6mm





Selecting the perfect ring size is essential to ensuring a comfortable and exquisite fit. While this guide provides valuable insights, we highly recommend visiting a jeweler in person for the most accurate measurement.





Please note: Our standard turnaround time is 3-4 business days excluding shipping, but if you need some cookies in a shorter time frame than this, let us know, and we’ll do our best!


To ensure timely delivery, please advise an earlier date than your actual event date to allow sufficient time for postage.


For metro areas, we recommend placing your order 3 to 6 business days prior to your actual event date. For regional areas, please advise a delivery date at least one week prior to your actual event date.


Please be aware that we are not responsible for any shipping delays, as we rely on the couriers to deliver your cookies within the estimated delivery time. Thank you for choosing us for your sweet treats, and feel free to contact us if you have any specific requests or concerns!"



Ingredients / Allergens:


Our sugar cookies contain SOY, GLUTEN, DAIRY and may contain traces of NUTS.


For a full list of ingredients please see below:


Vanilla Sugar Cookie


Flour (Wheat), Butter (Dairy), Sugar, Eggs , Vanilla essence,  Baking powder


Fondant Icing Queens - Contains SOY


Colours / Queens and Colour mill





Preserving the Perfection of Our Sugar Cookies



At Scented Secret Co, we take pride in crafting delectable sugar cookies that melt in your mouth. To ensure their scrumptiousness endures, follow these simple guidelines for storage:


Room Temperature Haven: Your sugar cookies thrive at room temperature.

Pop them into an airtight container to safeguard their delicate flavours and textures. This will keep them bakery-fresh and ready to delight whenever you fancy.



Hot or Humid Days Alert: When the weather turns hot and humid, consider having someone available at home or work to welcome your sweet treats. This ensures they're lovingly received and continue to dazzle with their taste and appearance.



Chilly Foe The Fridge: However, avoid the chilly confines of the refrigerator. Storing sugar cookies in the fridge can lead to undesirable sogginess, which we know isn't the delightful experience we aim for.


Savor every bite of our exquisite sugar cookies just the way they were meant to be enjoyed. Your taste buds will thank you!


Should you have any inquiries or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch.










Why Scented Secret Candles and Wax Melts Sometimes Appear Frosted.



Have you ever noticed a frosted appearance on your Scented Secret Candle or wax melts? Well, here's a secret – that's actually a wonderful sign, indicating the authenticity of your candle being made from 100% natural soy.


The frosted look is a characteristic commonly found in natural soy candles, and it's perfectly normal.

This phenomenon, known as "frosting," is a unique aspect of soy wax and showcases its natural properties.



Rest assured, the frosted effect doesn't impact the quality of your candle's burn. It's particularly noticeable in darker-colored candles, adding a touch of charm to the overall aesthetic.


At Scented Secret, we've come to cherish this characteristic as part of what makes our 100% Natural Soy candles truly special.


Should you ever have any questions or concerns, we're here for you. Feel free to reach out to us – your satisfaction and candle experience are our top priorities.


Keep enjoying the natural beauty of Scented Secret Candles and Wax Melts!



Warmest wishes, The Scented Secret  Team